Dariusz Bucior

Doctor of Law, Partner

Dariusz Bucior

Specialises in corporate law and commercial contract law. He advises venture capital funds (including those co-financed by public investors such as PFR Ventures, NCBR) on investments in companies at early stages of development. He provides support to entrepreneurs and agents in disputes related to agency agreements, in particular concerning compensatory payments.

Gained his first experience as an in-house lawyer in an international financial institution providing, among others, leasing services. He combines providing legal services with academic work at the Department of Commercial Law of the Catholic University of Lublin (since 2000), where in 2009 he obtained a doctoral degree in civil law (dissertation entitled “Termination of an agency agreement” prepared under the supervision of prof. A. Szajkowski).

Author of publications in the field of civil and commercial law, among others monographs: Termination of an agency agreement, Lublin 2010, the most comprehensive Polish commentary to the Civil Code provisions on agency agreement: Civil Code. Commentary, vol. IV, ed. M. Habdas, M. Fras, Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2018, and the study: Meritum. Company Law, vol. I, ed. A. Kidyba, ed. 6, Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2020.