Andrzej Herbet

Habilitated doctor of laws, Attorney-at-law, of Counsel

Herbet Andrzej

Doctor of Law, attorney-at-law, Head of the Department of Commercial Law at the Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, arbitrator of the Court of Arbitration at the National Chamber of Commerce and the Arbitration Court at the General Counsel’s Office of the Republic of Poland, former expert at the Constitutional Tribunal Office and expert in legislation at the Parliament’s Analyses Office.

He specialises in civil and commercial law, in particular company law, cooperative law and commercial contract law.

He is the author or co-author of several dozen scientific publications in this field, including a commentary to the Commercial Companies Code (C.H. Beck Publishers), a system of private law (C.H. Beck Publishers) and a commentary to the Civil Code (Wolters Kluwer Publishers), as well as legal opinions commissioned by state authorities, financial institutions, and leading Polish law firms.

He speaks English, German and Russian.