Criminal fiscal offences

BWHS' team of lawyers has the necessary knowledge and experience to act quickly and efficiently in defence or in the interests of injured parties.

BWHS lawyers offer advice and representation to clients in criminal fiscal cases:

  • taxes (including so-called VAT carousels),
  • customs,
  • related to the organisation of gambling,
  • related to foreign exchange trading.

Taxpayers can be held liable for tax offences, but also persons dealing with the affairs of taxpayers (management, partners, company managers).

So-called subsidiary liability also threatens the operator itself.

Importantly, most of these acts can only be committed intentionally and not as a result of an unintentional breach of tax legislation. It is therefore important to take appropriate legal action as soon as possible.

As in the case of criminal economic offences, criminal fiscal law requires not only knowledge of criminal law, but also of the tax system and criminal fiscal procedure, which is slightly different from criminal law.